Electrochemical Sensor Solutions for Toxic and Hazardous Gas Detection
What do you know about toxic and hazardous gases?
Currently known toxic gases can be categorized into irritant gases and asphyxiating gases according to their toxic properties.
Irritant gases are gases that irritate the eyes and mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. There are many types of irritant gases, the most common of which are chlorine, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, phosgene, hydrogen fluoride, sulfur dioxide, sulfur trioxide and dimethyl sulfate.
Asphyxiating gases - are toxic gases that can cause a lack of oxygen in the body.
It can be divided into simple asphyxiating gases, blood asphyxiating gases and cell asphyxiating gases. Such as nitrogen, methane, ethylene, carbon monoxide, nitrobenzene vapors, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen sulfide, and so on.
Where do these toxic and harmful gases come from?
With the gradual increase of industrialization in the country, there is a gradual increase in the environment in which toxic gases are produced. The chances of toxic gases are increasing in scenarios such as manmade fibers, dyestuffs, chemicals, oil refineries, sulphuric acid factories, industrial and mining enterprises, and transportation. There are many aspects of life that may be exposed to toxic and harmful gases.
Toxic and harmful gas generation pathway
1. Decomposition of urban sewers, fermentation of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methane storage (chemical) cesspool (pit) manure, urine fermentation gas ammonia, hydrogen sulfide;
2. Methane, ammonia, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide from fermentation of organic matter in biogas digesters;
3. Vegetable (potato) cellar, fruit cellar vegetables, potatoes, fruit respiration, corruption gas production carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia;
4. Pickle pool vegetable decay gas hydrogen sulfide, ammonia; fermentation tank fermentation gas carbon dioxide;
5. Coal kiln (mine) kiln (well) memory gas, blasting gas production methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide;
6. Cargo ship bilge biological respiration, internal combustion engine exhaust carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide;
7. Deep-water caisson operation biological respiration, exhaust;
How are toxic and hazardous gases monitored?
An electrochemical sensor is a sensor that is based on the electrochemical properties of the substance to be measured and converts the chemical quantity of the substance to be measured into an electrical quantity for sensing and detection. Electrochemical sensors have been used since the 1980s to monitor a wide range of toxic gases and have shown good sensitivity and selectivity. Of all the sensor types available for gas monitoring, electrochemical sensors have the lowest power consumption and are most widely used in industrial applications for monitoring toxic and hazardous gases.
Fosensor Electrochemical Toxic and Hazardous Gas Sensor has stable and reliable performance, high sensitivity and good selectivity, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, chlorine, sulfur dioxide, phosphine, nitrogen dioxide and many other common toxic gases can be detected with it. It is widely used in portable instruments and online monitoring equipment in civil and industrial fields. For more sensor solutions, please contact Fosensor for more information.