Industrial humidity sensor
Industrial humidity sensor is a device used to measure humidity in the environment, which is widely used in a variety of industrial fields, such as warehousing, pharmaceutical, food processing, etc.. Humidity is a physical quantity used to characterize the water content of the air, with the continuous development and progress of society, the detection and control of humidity has become more and more important. In this article we will specifically understand what is Industrial humidity sensor, humidity sensor classification and working principle.
Industrial humidity sensor classification and working principle
According to the different signal conversion methods, humidity sensors can be categorized into acoustic humidity sensors, electrical humidity sensors, optical humidity sensors and so on. Acoustic humidity sensors are made according to the principle that the acoustic signal will change with the change of humidity. Electrical humidity sensors include resistive humidity sensors and capacitive humidity sensors. They are made according to the principle that capacitance or resistance changes with humidity, respectively. Optical humidity sensors are made on the principle that a change in humidity leads to a change in the nature of the medium layer, and thus to a change in the nature of light propagation. The following is an example of an electrical sensor and describes its working principle.
Industrial humidity sensor has capacitive humidity sensor and resistive humidity sensor, capacitive humidity sensor is utilized the change of dielectric constant with the change of humidity to the amount while resistive humidity sensor is utilized the change of resistance of the material with the change of humidity to measure the humidity.
For capacitive humidity sensors, the basic principle is to use the dielectric constant changes with humidity. When the measured humidity acts on the capacitive humidity sensor, the value of the dielectric constant changes. By measuring the change in dielectric constant, the measured humidity can be calculated.
As for the resistive humidity sensor, the basic principle is to utilize the resistance of the material with the change of humidity. When the measured humidity acts on the resistive humidity sensor, the value of the resistance changes. By measuring the change in resistance, the measured humidity can be calculated.
At present, most of the humidity monitors used in our industrial production use electrical sensors, and many of them have an internally integrated industrial temperature sensor.
Role of industrial humidity sensor
In industrial production, air humidity not only affects the service life of machines and equipment, but also has a great influence on the quality of products. If the air humidity is high, it will aggravate the aging of the equipment. Therefore, it is very important to protect the production equipment with proper air humidity. Electronic products for a long time in the high humidity environment, and may even occur short circuit phenomenon. Therefore, the application of Industrial humidity sensor in industrial manufacturing is particularly important for the detection and control of humidity.